Monday, March 29, 2010

My email today to this idiot NY Times "sportwriter" called Lynn Zinser

My email today to this idiot NY Times "sportwriter" called Lynn Zinser:

Ranked number two and you say WV making the final four is a surprise? NY Times sports writing has really sucked for years, but seriously, why not stick to writing about something like...crochet. I mean, have you ever been to a basketball game?

So you think this dribble is funny?: Lynn Zinser wrote: "West Virginia won the Big East tournament, which in retrospect looks like Albert Pujols’s winning a tee ball game. And then you have Butler, whose coach looks barely older than his players, who all look 12, and can be found charmingly chest-bumping them after victories. And then you have Butler, whose coach looks barely older than his players, who all look 12, and can be found charmingly chest-bumping them after victories.

You can email her here:

Here is the story: